Intro to the bash shell

Intro and Objectives

You will learn how to use the bash shell - a very common command line interface on Linux systems. Why learn the bash shell?

  • Many Linux tasks rely on you being a competent bash shell user

  • Massive efficiency and productvity gains possible using bash

  • Gets you closer to the computer and increases your technical sophistication

  • Reinforces notion of functional decomposition - little programs that do one thing well

You will learn to use the bash shell to do (among other things):

  • navigation through the file and folder structure on your computer

  • file and folder manipulation (create, delete, move, copy)

  • run programs

  • get information about your computer system

  • use pipes and filters to accomplish file management tasks by combining multiple shell commands



In the “Learn Enough Command Line to be Dangerous…” tutorial, there are two nice boxes describing the “magic of computers” and “technical sophistication”. READ THEM.

[OPTIONAL] A few more Linux shell tutorials that I have found useful are:



We will use the presentation slides (in the Downloads) to guide our discussion and hands-on exercises to learn the basics of using the bash shell.

What is the bash shell?

An example from a research project

File management

Understanding how the file system is laid out and to do things like navigating the folder tree, name files, copy/move/delete files and directories.

Combining commands to explore and manipulate files

Use pipes, redirection and filters to accomplish file management tasks by combining multiple shell commands

A few more useful bash commands

Learn how to use bash to edit files, search files, grab data from websites. Also, where to go to learn more and solutions to the challenges.

[OPTIONAL] Intro to Shell for Data Science course at DataCamp

If you’re using DataCamp for the Classroom in my class, you also have access to the following course:

Sections 1-3 cover very similar ground as done in my screencasts. Subsequent sections go a bit further and get into shell variables and basic shell scripting. It’s interactive and an efficient intro the bash shell.

Explore (OPTIONAL)